🌥️S3 Bucket

Simply, S3(Simple Storage Service) is a AWS tool which allows us to store our file, folder, photo, movie and so on in locally and publicly. It helps us to protect any amount of data for a long period of time. We can access the date that are in s3 from any where in any time.

These are the step that need to do to create a AWS S3 bucket:

Step 1: Search s3
Step 2: Click on create bucket
Step 3: It will ask for a Bucket name, Name should be globally unique and shouldn't contain any spaces or upper letter, This name will appear in website link
Step 4: Select the region which is near your location, if you select in different AZ, there will be delays in process of upload and download
Step 5: Select Object Ownership, ACLs(Access Control List) enable or disable
Step 6: Select if you want to block all public access or not
Step 7: Enable or Disable according to you for Bucket Versioning and defult encryption
Step 8: Click on Create bucket

I named rajan04, region N.California, with no public access.

If we click on name of bucket(rajan04) you can see a option of upload file, properties, permissions and all.

If you like to add photo from your local computer, just click on upload and add files or folders.

We can change the permissions to everyone(Public Access), anyone from internet can view our file or photo.

Now we can able to view our date from internet. We can see the link if we see under properties:

Last updated