🌥️Load Balancer

It is a single point of contact for clients. The load balancer distributes incoming application traffic across multiple nodes, in multiple Availability Zones. Simply, It controls the incomming traffic into a different nodes. It helps for redundancy process. For more information: https://aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/

Following this need while setting up VPC Step 1: Create a VPC first -->Check out VPC module for more details on how to create VPC

1. Create Application Load Balancer -> Name, Scheme, IPv4, Network mapping( Select at leat 2 zone), Security Group,  
2. Create Target Group --> Select instances or IP , Name, select VPC, health check( set basic configurations)
	I. Setup Register Targets --> Select instances, Once we create a target group, now register the traffice to LB  
3. Set listern HTTP:80 to target group 
5. Finally, Our Load Balancer setup is ready

Under Basic Configuration of LB: You can see DNS(A record) to access.

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